
Supt. Romer deserves applause, not criticism

Re “Romer Lashes Out at Mayor for Criticism,” July 21

Although I voted for L.A. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, his bashing of L.A. Supt. Roy Romer is off base. Romer didn’t need to take on the superintendent position other than for altruistic reasons. The position demands political skills to navigate the teachers union and school board bureaucracies. Romer has brought more transparency to his actions and exerted considerable effort reaching out to various constituencies. Comments by former school board member Warren Furutani, a self-appointed leader of his ethnic community, were irrelevant. As one who was in a Japanese American internment camp, I feel Romer’s comments on propaganda were apt.

Although the mayor has vigorously pursued a multitude of goals, one should not confuse activity with progress. Romer has made some progress against tremendous odds, and I applaud him for his efforts.


Pacific Palisades
