
Man Saved From Hot Garage

From the Associated Press

A 70-year-old mentally impaired man, unable to walk without assistance, was rescued from a sweltering Murrieta garage by police, authorities said Friday.

The temperature was more than 100 degrees when police discovered Andrew James Young in the garage July 20 with only a cot, fan and portable toilet, investigators said. Also in the garage was the family vehicle.

“He had to be assisted into the house for us to get him out of that situation,” said Murrieta Police Sgt. Ron Driscoll, who described conditions in the garage as “inhumane.”


Young, who suffers from dementia and epilepsy, was treated for malnutrition and was under the care of adult protective services, Sgt. Sandra O’Donnell said Friday.

Young’s brother, Russell Eugene Calvin Jr., 53; Russell Eugene Calvin III; and in-home caretaker Lillie Mae Stewart, 41; were arrested.

Each was charged with felony elder abuse. Police said they could not confirm that the Calvins were father and son.


In 2001, Stewart said, she met with Riverside County social workers and was approved as Young’s in-house caretaker, receiving more than $2,000 a month from the state to care for the elderly man.

“If you’re a caretaker and you’re paid by the state, you’re responsible to make sure that person’s in a safe environment,” Driscoll said.

Stewart and Calvin Jr. posted bail. Calvin III remained jailed on a parole violation because weapons were found in the house, Driscoll said. All three are scheduled to appear in court Tuesday.


Neighbor Lorie Sabatucci, 37, telephoned police asking that officers check on Young.

“Nobody should be living in those type of conditions,” Sabatucci said.

Russell Calvin Jr. denied Thursday that he was mistreating his brother. He said Young goes in and out of the garage throughout the day because he enjoys it.

“I love my brother. I looked up to him. I would never hurt him,” Calvin Jr. said.

The family has been renting the four-bedroom, two-story town house for almost two years at the Old School House Villas. They pay $1,400 a month in rent and Young contributes $800, according to Stewart.

Before Officer Roy Vargas found Young in the garage, the officer said, Calvin Jr. denied that there was an elderly man living at the home.

It appeared that Young, who couldn’t move without help, had been living in the garage full time, investigators said.
