
Dynamic move for everyday life

Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

Dynamic strength is the type of strength you use in everyday activities such as standing, lifting, carrying, bending and twisting. It is often referred to as “strength in action.” This move, which focuses on dynamic strength, trains many muscles in your body to work together as a unit.

-- Karen Voight

1 Begin in a plank (or the top of a push-up) position. Form a straight line, with your body balancing evenly between your hands and toes. Lower your hips slightly and pull your abdominal muscles in toward your spine. Think of pushing the floor away from you with your hands. This will help you avoid sinking into your shoulders.

2 Keeping your hips low, on an exhale, strongly contract your abdominals and draw your right knee toward your chest. Move your nose toward your knee, making sure you keep your shoulders directly above your wrists. Inhale again. Exhale and try to touch your knee to your chest. Release, straighten your leg back to the floor and repeat using the other leg.
