
McClatchy Gives Prices for Papers

From the Associated Press

McClatchy Co. on Monday disclosed the prices of five former Knight Ridder Inc. newspapers that McClatchy agreed to sell last week for more than $400 million.

McClatchy, based in Sacramento, had not previously announced the individual prices of the papers, which were sold to four different buyers.

According to Monday’s filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the deals included $165 million for Ohio’s Akron Beacon Journal; $70 million for Duluth News Tribune in Minnesota; $65 million for Grand Forks Herald in North Dakota; $92.6 million for Fort Wayne News-Sentinel in Indiana; and $28 million for Aberdeen American News in South Dakota.


McClatchy agreed to sell the Beacon Journal to a subsidiary of Canada’s Black Press Ltd.; the News-Sentinel to Ogden Newspapers of Wheeling, W.Va.; the Duluth News Tribune and the Grand Forks Herald to Forum Communications Co. of Fargo, N.D.; and the American News to Schurz Communications Inc. of South Bend, Ind.
