
A sense of humor, but no sense of taste

Re “Watching with the enemy,” Opinion, June 13

Joel Stein’s article concerning the Mexico-Iran World Cup game reveals not only his xenophobia but also his ignorance of soccer and ethnic communities. Which team to root for posed no dilemma for me. Mexico is our neighbor, and so it’s almost a home team.


Culver City


There is no doubt that Stein has a sense of humor, but to see him play the role of an ignoramus just to make ignorant people happy is sad. Is he that ignorant that he does not know Iranian people are also “white” when he refers to himself as such? Is he that ignorant that he does not know the burka has nothing to do with Iranian women, that it is worn by Afghani women? Is he that ignorant that he does not know a “repressive government” has nothing to do with a soccer team? Is he that ignorant that he does not know Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s mean-spirited rhetoric is not the reflection of Iranians’ beliefs, especially the Jewish Iranians who comprise a significant number in Southern California?

Getting laughs by demeaning people is the greatest thing going on right now on television, but it is a shame to see The Times sink to the same level.



Laguna Niguel


Stein’s statement that one of the two countries that the United States hates the most is “Mexico for its Mexicans” is the height of irresponsibility and bad taste. Fortunately, he does not speak for the vast majority of Americans who love and respect the Mexican people, notwithstanding immigration issues between the two nations.


Los Angeles
