
Justice not quite seen to be done

Re “Top Bush Aide Rove Won’t Be Charged,” June 14

There is still plenty we don’t know about the leaking of Valerie Plame’s identity as a CIA operative, but here’s what we do know: Someone in the administration did the leaking, an act the first President Bush characterized as treason. We do know that Karl Rove and I. Lewis “Scooter” Libby were involved at some level, despite specific, repeated denials. We do know that the president vowed to find out who did the leaking and get rid of them -- and has apparently done nothing of the sort. We do know that Rove testified falsely to the grand jury, his defense being a faulty memory.

Special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has determined that it is merely likely, not certain, that he could convict Rove. That the Republicans, in light of this whole sorry history, treat this as vindication says more about their lack of morality than an indictment ever would have.


