
Still feuding?

KEVIN THOMAS, in his June 11 article on Olivia de Havilland [“Her Return Engagement”], begins by anointing her “the last remaining great star of both the ‘30s and ‘40s,” thus adding one more Armageddon to the long-lasting blood feud between her and her slightly younger sister Joan Fontaine. Fontaine is (to my mind, and I’d wager several million others) one of the two last remaining great stars of both the ‘30s and ‘40s. What is more, she had something that Olivia never managed to display. Despite those shy English rose roles, Joan was (and possibly still is) a sexy lady. Is Thomas too young to have sat in a dark theater hearing that sensuous voice-over line in “Rebecca” -- “Last night I dreamed I went to Manderley again.”? Prompting me (and many others) to dream of tagging along.




READING about Olivia de Havilland brought back memories.

In 1963 my late brother Rafael Campos had a very good role in the film “Lady in a Cage.” Rafael invited me to the set. Miss De Havilland portrayed a lady in distress, terrorized inside an elevator in her home by two thugs, played by Rafael and James Caan.

What a thrill to watch Miss De Havilland doing her scenes, as well as the rest of the cast, which included Jeff Corey and Ann Sothern.



North Hollywood
