
Whose interest is The Times serving?

Re “U.S. Secretly Tracks Global Bank Data,” June 23

Whose side are you on, anyway? Now that you’ve managed to “out” the monitoring of international financial data, what’s your next goal? To name every Al Qaeda member who is supplying information to our side? Too bad the New York Times beat you in blowing the cover off the domestic phone surveillance program. You must be really disappointed about that.

I somehow doubt that you feel any sense of remorse or concern for what you’ve done, or for the potential danger that you’ve created for untold numbers of innocents. But what’s the big deal because I’m sure you feel the “public interest” has been served, right? Thanks for nothing.


Granada Hills


“Stupid is as stupid does.” This perfectly captures your recent decision to publish the bank data story. What I just can’t understand is how you can have absolutely no regard for the public you say you are serving. Worse yet, you justify your decision in the interest of those very same people. Your “interest” is misplaced, and whom you serve is apparent. Are you really this stupid?



Pleasanton, Calif.
