
Turbulence over Santa Monica Airport

Re “Jet-Setters Give Santa Monica the Jitters,” June 22

Celebrities are not the only users of jets and other high-performance aircraft operating into and out of Santa Monica Airport. Many corporations on the Westside have flight departments that utilize the efficient location of their local airport over a long drive to Van Nuys, Burbank or Long Beach.

I have a little sympathy for those who elect to buy cheap real estate in the flight path of an airport -- and then complain about the noise and smell.

But for those concerned about aircraft overruns, I’d like to suggest a buyback program wherein the Federal Aviation Administration purchases homes off the departure and/or arrival ends of the airport to give pilots and their passengers a buffer zone for safety.


I mean, after all, the airport was there first.




You fail to mention that Santa Monica has been spending thousands of dollars to fix the surrounding airport facilities to accommodate the new classrooms for Santa Monica College and to build a park right below the airplane runways.

I find it ironic that smoking has been banned on Santa Monica beaches and city parks, but that the city is building a park in the airport.

Can’t let the little kiddies have secondhand smoke, but they can play in jet fumes.


Santa Monica
