
No Evidence of Corruption at Marina, Grand Jury Says

Times Staff Writer

Concluding an eight-month investigation, the Ventura County Grand Jury announced Monday that it had found no merit to a county supervisor’s claims of corruption at Channel Islands Harbor near Oxnard.

In a 13-page report, grand jurors said they failed to uncover evidence that Harbor Director Lyn Krieger made a “sweetheart deal” in recommending a harbor lease to the Board of Supervisors.

Supervisor John Flynn made the accusation in October, suggesting that Krieger had received a payoff for making the recommendation.


After interviewing dozens of witnesses, including critics of the county Harbor Department’s staff and policies, the grand jury concluded that the accusation was based on hearsay and opinion.

“Those interviewed produced no statements, supporting documents, or any other evidence of any form of corruption, favoritism or malfeasance,” the report states.

The grand jury’s investigation is the third to vindicate Krieger since Flynn made his charges. Previous inquiries by county Executive Officer Johnny Johnston and Dist. Atty. Gregory Totten reached similar conclusions.


Krieger said she was relieved and pleased with the grand jury’s report, which she called thorough.

“After three investigations, I would hope the public will realize that they can feel some confidence that there is fair treatment going on at the harbor,” she said.

Added Linda Parks, chairwoman of the Board of Supervisors: “A lot of what was said turned out to be inflammatory and with no evidence. I’m hoping we can put this behind us and start gaining trust so we can move forward at the harbor.”


But the man who started it all isn’t budging.

Reached by phone in Mexico, Flynn said he stood by his initial allegations and would not offer an apology to Krieger. He said that after he returns to Oxnard on July 8, he would hold a public meeting to air his own findings.

“I will present everything that I presented to the district attorney and the grand jury, and people can decide for themselves,” said the veteran supervisor.

The grand jury found that political bickering and discontent by neighboring residents caused numerous delays in the planned redevelopment of Channel Islands Harbor.

A vocal contingent of harbor-area residents have led a long and unsuccessful battle to defeat a boating safety center planned for the harbor.

Krieger in recent years has become a target of their ire over the boating center and other redevelopment underway at the aging marina.

Added to that is a perception that Flynn views the harbor as his 5th District “fiefdom” and not the responsibility of the entire Board of Supervisors, the report said.


“That perception could contribute to political pressure focused through the office of the 5th District supervisor,” grand jurors said.

A month after Flynn made his public accusations, his board colleagues passed a motion banning him from meeting with Krieger without a witness present.

Supervisors said Flynn’s statements amounted to verbal harassment of Krieger.

Despite the controversies, changes are underway at the harbor. Last week, construction began on a new Hampton Inn for the peninsula area, Krieger said. Another hotel is being planned, marinas are being upgraded and construction of the boating center will begin soon, she said.

Krieger said all the drama had been personally wearying.

“I’m tired of having accusations made that don’t have any foundation,” she said. “But I try to ignore that and keep going. We have a lot of work to do.”
