
Book to capture ‘Microtrends’

From the Associated Press

Mark J. Penn, the powerhouse pollster-consultant whose clients have included Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton, British Prime Minister Tony Blair and billionaire Bill Gates, is working on a book about “small trends that are making a big difference,” publisher Warner Twelve said Tuesday. “Microtrends” will be published in fall 2007.

“I’ve spent 30 years analyzing trends, and I thought I could put that to use, particularly as I see America and the world breaking up into smaller and smaller, intense pockets of people,” said Penn, 52. “If you can spot the trends among those intense 1% groups, you can make a tremendous impact.”

Penn said the book would analyze such trends as fathers spending more time with their children, the increasing number of second homes purchased by people in the middle class and the growing political power of immigrants. “This, I hope, will satisfy what seems to be the public’s newfound appetite for the analysis of data and what that data means,” Penn said, adding that the book will refer to his work with the Clintons and others but is not a memoir.


The deal’s financial details were not disclosed.
