
Duke Athlete Convicted of Noise Complaint

From Times Wire Reports

One of the three Duke University lacrosse players accused of rape was convicted of a noise complaint stemming from a Jan. 10 party at a house he shared with two other lacrosse teammates.

Durham District Court Judge Elaine Bushfan ordered Dave Evans to pay $110 in court costs and entered a judgment that means no conviction will appear on his record even though he was found guilty.

Evans, 23, of Bethesda, Md., Reade Seligmann, 20, of Essex Fells, N.J., and Colin Finnerty, 19, of Garden City, N.Y., have pleaded not guilty to charges of raping a woman hired to perform as a stripper at a March 13 team party, held at the house Evans and fellow lacrosse player Dan Flannery shared with a third teammate.


Last month, another judge acquitted Flannery of violating the noise ordinance in the same incident and said authorities “could make better use” of the court’s time without bringing such minor offenses to trial.
