
Facing consequences of latest Israeli actions

Re “Israel Detains Hamas Officials; Jets Buzz Syria Leader’s Home,” June 29

Lost in the shuffle of the events of the last few days is the fact that two Israeli soldiers were killed in the attack that resulted in the abduction of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit and Israel’s current military response.

Time will tell if Israel’s actions will lead to his safe return. But unbelievable rhetoric directed at Israel by such supposed moderates as Mahmoud Abbas (who called Israel’s incursion “crimes against humanity”) strains credulity. The Hamas government leadership should bear the full responsibility for the consequences that peace-loving Palestinians would be forced to bear.


Foster City, Calif.


The massive incursion into Gaza by the Israeli army is yet another example of overkill and of an approach that has failed before and, no doubt, will fail disastrously again. The continuing application of solutions that failed in the past, in the hope that the outcome will change the next time, is lunacy. We simply cannot allow the failed policy of tit-for-tat to continue.


Little minds bent on revenge should not determine our fate or our foreign policy. They never learn, though we pay a price we cannot afford. Enough is enough.




Re “Peace held hostage,” editorial, June 29

Your editorial suggests that Israel refrain from a “disproportionate response” to Palestinian violence.

In fact, it was our own former secretary of State and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Colin Powell, who advocated the use of disproportionate, overwhelming force when confronting the enemy. The Powell Doctrine posited that a military that delivers only a proportional response allows the adversary to dictate how a war should be fought and what losses the enemy should suffer. A disproportionate response is the way to win a war and the way to deter future aggression.


The Palestinians have had their way with relentless rocket fire into Israeli towns and the purposeful murder of Israeli civilians.

Israel has been remarkably restrained to date. That must end.


Englewood, N.J.
