
Mahony’s stance on immigration

Kudos to Cardinal Roger Mahony for his tough stance against the hysterical anti-immigrant sentiments (March 1) that truly stain this great nation of immigrants.

As an active Catholic who is critical of Mahony’s weak handling of the priest sexual abuse scandal, I was so pleased to see him stand up to the xenophobic American citizens and politicians who find license to spout their evil venom toward their fellow human beings, and who attempt to make such evil venom the law of land.

The only real “sin” of these immigrants is providing for their families -- but, unfortunately, on the wrong side of a man-made line.


Remember all you God-fearing Christians, in the end, Jesus will care little about your artificial boundaries when he asks if you cared for your fellow man. I ask that Mahony consider extending his support with an equal fervor to those children who were abused by certain priests.


La Puente


Mahony says that Al Qaeda operatives would not trek through miles of deadly desert, and he instructs his priests to defy legislation. I guess he’s an expert on terrorism and is more willing to go against U.S. laws than purge the priesthood of pedophiles.

A good solution is to recognize the separation of church and state and tax all church property as any other property is taxed. Then there would be no disharmonious connection with the realities of social needs and of true charity.



Fountain Valley


I am impressed that Mahony is a true disciple who genuinely believes in heaven and has heartfelt empathy for the sufferings and poverty of fellow human beings. Similar to Jesus, he is politically incorrect but spiritually and morally heavenly. This is refreshing in a mean-spirited world.


Huntington Beach
