
But, Mommy, How Does It Work Without a Mouse?

Call it a generational glitch.

“I was amused at a young mother trying to communicate with her young son while going through Air Force One at the Reagan Library,” Jim Helms of Arcadia wrote. “On a desk in the plane was an IBM Selectric typewriter, and the boy asked what it was. After fumbling around for a moment, the mother said, ‘It’s like a computer with a built-in printer.’ ”


Marquee madness: I admit it -- the Oscars are among my 25 favorite movie awards shows of the year. As a sidelight to tonight’s ceremonies, I’m honoring the Best Weird Marquee on a Southern California Theater. After reviewing the many submissions of readers, the nominees are (see photos):

* A downbeat prophecy about life (snapped by Bingham Cherrie)

* A plea for assistance for a Peggy Sue (by John Plummer)

* A presentation of more than you may want to know about the devil (by Michael Pardridge)

And, the winner is (envelope, please):

* A cynical description of a doomed theatrical couple (by Lee Lavallee)


Beat LAA!: My colleague Gil Reza saw an SUV in Ontario that had a “Los Angeles Dodgers” license plate frame and was being piloted by a driver who is no fan of the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim name. His plate said: ANTILAA.



Eye-catching headline of the day: From a state official’s website: “Attorney General Lockyer Announces Settlement Requiring Maker of ‘Smiling Bob’ Erectile Dysfunction Product to Provide Consumers Restitution.”


Name game: You may have heard that the U.S. Supreme Court is hearing the case of Anna Nicole Smith, the former Playboy Playmate who is attempting to inherit her late husband’s fortune. But did you notice who her lawyer is? Howard Stern. But that’s Howard K. Stern -- not the radio talk show host who has such an active interest in matters of sex.


Unclear on the concept: Scott Sandell passed along a bit of junk mail that advertised how the recipient qualified for a diploma from a non-accredited university based on his or her present “knowlegde” and/or professional experience.



Offbeat intersections: To our recent list, George Grasty of Whittier would add the intersection of Ocean View Avenue and Mar Vista Street. Translate the latter and you have the intersection of Ocean View and Ocean View (OK, technically it’s Sea View). By the way, you can’t see the ocean or the sea from that corner.


Most boring places?: In Sperling’s Best Places survey, Minneapolis was ranked No. 1 on the “Best Cities for Sleep” list, followed by Anaheim and San Diego.


miscelLAny: Did you notice that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s disclosure of gifts received in 2005 included a dozen red roses from L.A. County Sheriff Lee Baca? No girlie-man jokes, please.



Steve Harvey can be reached at (800) LATIMES, Ext. 77083, by fax at (213) 237-4712, by mail at Metro, L.A. Times, 202 W. 1st St., L.A. 90012, and by e-mail at [email protected].
