
Nazi Camp Survivors, Ex-GI Celebrate Anew

Times Staff Writer

Twice in his five years of starvation and brutality in four Nazi concentration camps, Lou Dunst was herded along with other prisoners into a gas chamber to be killed.

Once there was a malfunction in the gas jets, and the other time a guard decided that he did not want to waste precious coal to burn the bodies, so the execution was called off.

More dead than alive, Dunst and other prisoners at the Ebensee camp in Austria were rescued by the U.S. Army in the final days of World War II.


Once he regained his health, he moved to Italy and in 1951 to San Diego, where he became a successful merchant and real estate investor.

On Sunday, Dunst was honored for his work in ensuring that modern youths learn the story of the Holocaust and understand the underlying moral about the destructiveness of intolerance.

As part of his 80th birthday party, Dunst was praised by several Jewish organizations, Mayor Jerry Sanders and filmmaker Steven Spielberg. Dunst has been interviewed in Spielberg’s effort to record the personal stories of survivors and other witnesses.


In the emotional highpoint of the day, Dunst and his brother Irving, who was also captive at Ebensee, met Robert Persinger, the Army staff sergeant who led the platoon that liberated the camp on May 6, 1945.

The gathering of the three was arranged by Dunst’s wife, Estelle.

“Thank you for saving our lives, God bless you,” Dunst said as he and Persinger embraced, both with tears in their eyes.

Persinger, 82, of the Rockford, Ill., area, said even hardened combat veterans were shocked by the stench and horror they encountered at the camp, where about 20,000 prisoners, many of them used as slaves, were housed in filth.


“The smell of death was all over the place,” Persinger said. But “this was a different style of death, one you couldn’t believe you were looking at.”

Dunst speaks at school gatherings and soon will go to Harvard to address a Holocaust seminar. He’s taken groups of San Diego teenagers on trips to Poland and Israel to learn about the Holocaust through a program called March of the Living.

“I try to do the best I can,” he said.

After a 2001 incident in Santee in which a teenager, feeling ostracized and bullied, took a gun to school and opened fire, Dunst was asked by officials to talk to students about tolerance. More than 1,000 students and adults attended.

“He speaks simply and he speaks from the heart,” said U.S. District Court Judge Norbert Ehrenfreund, a longtime friend.

Ehrenfreund, who covered the Nuremberg trials as a reporter and is writing a book about the legacy of the trials, will accompany Dunst to the Harvard seminar.

Lou and his brother Irving became separated from their parents after the family was rounded up by Nazis from their village in Czechoslovakia. The sons never saw their parents again.


Although they cannot specifically remember Persinger, the brothers vividly recall the day his tank, the name Lady Luck on its side, broke down the gate.

Irving Dunst, 82, a retired cabinetmaker in Los Angeles, said he thought he was dreaming and pushed through a crowd to touch the tank. When he realized it was real, he ran to find his brother.

“I’m screaming, ‘Lou, Lou, Lou, we’re liberated,’ ” he said.

Lou Dunst was in a building where bodies had been stacked for disposal. He estimates he was probably just a few days, maybe hours, from dying.

“I couldn’t stand up, and there were thousands like me,” he said. “I couldn’t walk and I had no desire to live.”

Now his desire is that the horror of those years be remembered even after the survivors are no longer here.

“Lou, you are a blessing and inspiration to us all, an angel in our midst,” said Helaine Green. She and her husband, Dr. Steve Green, a cardiologist in Northern California, are active in Jewish affairs and the March of the Living program.


Persinger, retired after a career in sales, has also begun speaking to groups, telling them what he saw at Ebensee and how it marked him even after he returned to the Midwest.

Persinger said he has visited Ebensee four times since the war. “That’s sacred ground,” he said.
