
Enforcing nation’s immigration laws

Re “A silly sting,” editorial, March 6

To say that city of Orange authorities have better things to do than enforce federal immigration laws is simply not true. Arresting these people and getting them out of our country should be the job of all of our law enforcement agencies. To say that we should not arrest them because they will be back is illogical. They are breaking the law and stealing jobs from legal persons.

By working for nonliving wages, illegal immigrants have taken over whole job sectors that were filled by people who used to do the work for a living wage. This country has to start securing its borders because we can’t have every poor person in the world who wants to come over here be able to just walk in. This is a very large problem that has to be solved by the federal and local governments enforcing our borders and dealing with the people who hire them.




Nothing wrong with putting a little fear into illegal aliens, and everybody needs to do their part in ridding the U.S. of illegals. But how much better it would have been if Orange police had used a little more finesse and waited until someone actually hired the illegals. Then they could have busted the illegals and the employers and really have had something to crow about.



