
The art business and Kinkade

Re “Dark Portrait of a ‘Painter of Light,’” March 5

I have been a Thomas Kinkade dealer for almost 20 years and have had numerous appearances at my galleries by the artist. He has never displayed behavior remotely similar to what you convey. He has always been genuine, humble and appreciative of the collectors who have acquired his paintings. He has raised millions of dollars for charities as well.

The art business is difficult, like all businesses, and like all small business models, a high percentage do fail. Kinkade’s paintings have given enjoyment to tens of thousands of collectors of all economic strata. Many have seen their paintings appreciate in value due to collector interest, not by manipulated evaluation created by the dealers. Kinkade’s company has always tried to work with us in a fair business manner. There are Kinkade dealers throughout the country that have had great successes. It would have been more credible if The Times had reached out to these businesses for a more balanced article.


Director, Village Gallery

Lake Forest, Calif.


How marvelous to see Kinkade outed as a gross egomaniac, and how funny to hear his acolytes talk up his product as art that you don’t have to “have an art degree to know whether it’s good or not.” This type of reverse snobbery must appeal to those who like their art lazy and mass-produced.


Rembrandt has always been the true “painter of light.” Kinkade’s co-opting of the title is as bogus as his art.


Los Angeles
