
It’s the administration that is really on trial

Re “Judge Halts Moussaoui Terror Trial,” March 14

Is there anything the Bush administration can do correctly? Misleading Congress and the American public into this war by cherry picking intelligence; the Katrina disaster; passing laws in special congressional sessions that affect only one person (Terri Schiavo); warrantless wiretaps of American citizens.

Now we have Zacarias Moussaoui, a known terrorist, on trial, served up on a silver platter. Slam dunk. And the federal prosecutors have jeopardized the case through incompetence and ineptitude.

This is endemic of a far-reaching, all-pervasive problem throughout the Bush federal government.


Do administration members have any idea what they are doing? Are they so clueless that they can’t even get this trial right? But then I remember that this is the presidency of “Osama bin Laden -- wanted dead or alive” morphing into “he is really not that important.”


Westlake Village
