
Unfair portrayal of gay theme

I was deeply offended by the article regarding bisexual men and how to “spot” them [“When ‘Brokeback’ Leads to Heartbreak,” March 2].

I am an educator for the Los Angeles School District. One of my job responsibilities is to educate administrators, teachers, students and parents in regard to the rights of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) population. I’m not sure if you are aware of this, but in public schools across the country LGBT persons are the main target of bias, bullying and harassment. The word “gay” is commonly used as a pejorative to describe anything negative by our student population and yes, by some school employees.

The article denigrating gay people into stereotypes should have never been written. You needed to take careful consideration of how your biased perspective would potentially offend someone else. Would you have written the same article about Latinos, African Americans, someone of the Jewish faith, or someone disabled? Most likely not. LGBT persons deserve the same respect.



Los Angeles


Samantha Bonar might do us all a favor by writing about heterosexual women who pursue intimate relationships with homosexual men.

These women are well known among gay men and frequently seek to torpedo our relationships with one another. I’ve been “out of the closet” for 30 years and can tell you that there’s no shortage of these emotional vampires.


Los Angeles
