
Helping the homeless to get off the streets

Re “What the Homeless Need First: Homes,” column, March 22

I am a longtime admirer of Steve Lopez for his frequent and compelling columns on the plight of L.A.’s homeless people. He has a great heart and clear understanding of the solution. Unfortunately, I fear voters will continue to support force in the form of police action over (probably equal) spending on anything they consider “a waste of money,” namely building homes and hospitals to take the homeless off the streets once and for all.

I wish every voter would open his or her eyes and mind and take action following the path laid out so compassionately in Lopez’s columns.

Mr. Lopez, please continue your prompting to a sane and (hopefully) final conclusion.


Los Angeles


Lopez has been a voice for the homeless. He has alerted the public to a silent problem that previously had been swept under the carpet. I pray Lopez’s expose will be the spark to help our governor, the county Board of Supervisors and county Department of Mental Health realize that all human beings have worth and will give higher priority to housing for this group. I look forward to some positive follow-up.



