
Palestinians in Iraq Are Threatened

From the Associated Press

The United Nations refugee agency said Friday that it was concerned about the safety of Palestinians in Iraq, citing death threats against about 100 families in one Baghdad neighborhood.

“They are feeling increasingly trapped, and for security reasons many have stopped going to work and have taken their children out of school,” said Jennifer Pagonis, spokeswoman for the U.N.’s High Commissioner for Refugees.

The agency said threats were posted Thursday on the doors of about 100 Palestinian homes. “We will eliminate you all if you don’t leave the area for good within 10 days,” read a translation of the threats obtained by the U.N. agency.


In the sectarian strife that has recently roiled Iraq, many Shiites and Kurds have come to view Palestinians as sympathetic to the Sunni-dominated insurgency. There also is resentment over privileges they received under ousted President Saddam Hussein.

Astrid van Genderen Stort, another spokeswoman for the U.N. refugee agency, said it had asked Iraqi authorities to increase protection for the Palestinians. Attacks against the group appear to have risen in recent months, she said.

Pagonis said the agency also was concerned about several dozen Palestinians who fled recently to Iraq’s Jordanian border. Jordan refused to admit the group and has said it will not take any refugees from Iraq because it fears another exodus to a country already burdened by Palestinians displaced in previous wars.
