
Not That They’re Bitter or Anything

You got the headline wrong. Instead of “Tagliabue Can Go in Peace,” it should have read, “Tagliabue Can Go to Hell.”

Paul Tagliabue turned the NFL into a corporate machine that cares nothing about the fans, the history and the tradition of the NFL. He’s allowed big-ego owners into the NFL, who sell themselves to the highest bidder. If he really regrets allowing the Rams and Traitors to move from L.A. in 1995 and he really wanted a team in L.A., why did he force the Seahawks back to Seattle after they moved to Anaheim in 1996?


Diamond Bar


It’s rumored that Paul Tagliabue has threatened to retire in Los Angeles if his demands for a new stadium, er, retirement complex and bronze statue are not met in Sarasota, Fla. The L.A. City Council has quickly reacted by establishing an ad hoc committee to conduct a financial feasibility study about meeting his demands. Tagliabue was later quoted as saying, “It still works!”



Los Angeles
