
Women’s rights are human rights

Re “Women and ‘gendercide,’ ” Opinion, March 26

This reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw: “If you’re not outraged, you are not paying attention!” We need more activists like Somali-born Dutch legislator Ayaan Hirsi Ali, who lives with 24-hour protection because of death threats yet decides not to be silent on this important issue. If she can find the courage to stand for those who can’t stand for themselves, we in our comfortable communities should be able to move mountains. Women’s rights are perceived as something special that are given to women rather than basic human rights.

When we talk about atrocities committed against women, we should address them as human rights violations and show the world that we demand to be treated equally.


Simi Valley


Ali states: “Those of us in rich countries, who have attained equality under the law, need to mobilize to assist our fellows.” The U.S. does not fall into that category.


The Equal Rights Amendment did not pass in 1982. I was there. I fasted for 37 days in the Illinois Capitol. The U.S. ranks 69th in the world in women in federal leadership positions. We have a lot of work to do right here.


Newport Beach
