
Rolling, or skydiving, into 50

I have a suggestion for Emily Green, who painfully tried to take up rollerblading when she turned 50, as so humorously recounted in “Cruising for a Bruising” [April 24]. When my son was 16, he realized that he would turn 20 the same year that I would turn 50, and somehow he got me to promise that I would go skydiving with him. Last month, I kept my promise. We had a fabulous time and no bruises.




Emily Green doesn’t have to choose between turning 51 and skating. Emily, go to EBay right now. You’ll find a good selection of old-fashioned four-wheeled boot skates, wildly popular in the 1980s and tailor-made for us boomers now. I’m 58 and I still lace up my vintage pair from time to time. I could never see the appeal of Rollerblades for anyone not interested in breaking a speed record.


Los Angeles


Although I applaud Emily Green’s desire to begin exercising at the ripe old age of 50 (I’m 52), I regret that her unfortunate experience with inline skating came and went as quickly as the rest of her youthful temptations.


Perhaps Ms. Green might consider a few lessons. Or she could simply show up on the Venice boardwalk on a Sunday afternoon at the “skate dance circle.” There’s also a local group that does a Friday night fun roll. Try

Oh, and wear the pads, Ms. Green, especially a helmet -- the most important piece of protective gear. The “Generation Y wimps” who sold you the stuff know what they’re talking about.


Los Angeles


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