
Former LAPD personnel beg to differ

Re “The LAPD still needs policing,” Opinion, May 3

Erwin Chemerinsky and his ACLU backup do some typical distorting of history to support their opinion that the Los Angeles Police Department needs strict outside policing. The Watts riots were because of “misconduct by LAPD officers.” Really? Eulia Love was a tragic incident that is still debated to this day -- misconduct or tragedy? Rodney King? Sure, I’ll give them that one. Rampart? Exactly how many officers actually were convicted of anything in that overblown media event?

This team of lifelong LAPD bashers can come up with only four incidents in more than 40 years to make their point. Hey, Erwin, you left out global warming, Iraq and high gas prices!


LAPD Retired

Westlake Village


Re “How to trap a good cop,” Current, April 30

Jack Dunphy’s article makes so much good sense that no one in political power will pay any attention to it. It has been 14 years since the Christopher Commission recommended that the LAPD be “reformed.” Fourteen years, five chiefs, dozens of new police commissioners, four mayors, an entirely new City Council, hundreds of millions of taxpayers dollars wasted -- and the “reformers” are still at it.


Had the Christopher Commission listened to professional police officers like Dunphy instead of the know-nothings at the lower levels and the politically ambitious at the upper levels, Los Angeles would never be under the embarrassing and incredibly expensive federal consent decree. Does anyone believe that the federal government runs well enough to impose its will on the people of Los Angeles? Who knows, some of that money might have gone to smooth out the streets in Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is a great place to be the chief of police, but I wouldn’t want to live there.


LAPD Chief, Retired

Dana Point
