
More ‘Lost’ than ever

Times Staff Writer

The important numbers on “Lost” may be 4, 8, 15, 16, 23 and 42, but 44 was the key on Wednesday’s episode: That was how many commercials aired before the Clue finally came in the form of an ad for the show’s dubious Hanso Foundation:

“Since the dawn of time, man has been curious, imagining all that is possible,” intoned a smooth male voice. “The Hanso Foundation, reaching out to a better tomorrow. Discover the experience for yourself. Call 877-HANSORG.”

And thus the launch of the new “Lost Experience,” an alternative-reality game based on the show that provides fans with a network of leads and clues to further explore the mysteries of the “Lost” island. But just try reaching that Hanso man.


If you weren’t already confounded by Jack and the gang, and that vexing island, trying to get through on the phone certainly could send you over the edge. ABC and 19 other networks across five continents launched the “Experience” Wednesday (it will run through early fall), but it hit Europe first, and when the web postings went up, desperate Americans started dialing international phone numbers in a race to be the first to discover the game’s first location. Some got through; others were saddled with disappointing busy-busy-busy signals.

“We were blown away,” said Steve McPherson, ABC’s president of prime-time entertainment. “It opened in Europe first and the lines just absolutely exploded, shut down several times, with a huge portion of the callers calling from the United States. In hindsight, you would want more and more and more [lines]. But we had a lot. We anticipated a good response, but this response has been overwhelming.”

About as overwhelming as the clues themselves. We claim no expertise here, but we’re in the business of sharing, so here’s where the “Lost Experience” has taken us, so far:


Call 877-HANSORG and you will hear a recording offering five options: 1) General; 2) Alvar Hanso; 3) Dr. Thomas Mittelwerk; 4) Hugh McIntyre; 5) Peter Thompson. Who are they and what did they have to say when you called them? For us, nothing, because it’s been busy ever since. But that’s what the web is for.

The devoted folks at have provided transcripts of all the Hanso phone messages, while followers from have posted audio versions of the same. There is a Hanso Foundation news release and other confusing clues that involve using “breaking strain” as a password, a woman named Persephone, an address for the Hanso Foundation that appears to be in Denmark, and a job posting on, which a British fan has deciphered on The job involves making new software for test subjects and product testing.

From, we also glean that is where we need to go next. There are executive bios, a mission statement, a link about a life-extension project involving a 105-year-old orangutan named Joop, and hypnotizing music. If you sign up for a newsletter, the foundation writes back letter by letter, much like Walt’s computer chat with Michael earlier this season.


A posting Thursday on reveals a new tidbit about and shows how seriously fans are taking this experience:

“In Active Projects / Electromagnetic Research Initiative there is a picture with the caption ‘Early Morning Hours of October 28, 2001.’ The photo is of the northern lights. A Google search of October 28, 2001, will get you a first result of a NASA page with photos of the northern lights acting up on that day. The photo of Alvar Hanso is captioned as being taken on October 28, 2003, at a humanitarian or diplomatic venture. A Google search of that date brings up a presidential press conference and then a NASA page on a Solar Storm.”

What does this mean, and more important, what does this have to do with ABC’s top-rated series?

We expressed our confusion to ABC’s McPherson. He laughed. He also sympathized and shared that he himself is feeling a little lost.

“I’m going to get a tutorial this weekend,” McPherson said. “I’m in the middle of [pilot] screenings. My plate is full right now. Luckily, I’ve got a tutor, so it will be a private lesson.”
