
Televised hearings by the Supreme Court

Re “ ‘American Justices?’ ” editorial, April 30

The late Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, “Sunshine is the best disinfectant.” Televised Supreme Court hearings would provide the much-needed window to open and thus allow that sun to shine in.

Justices Anthony Kennedy and Clarence Thomas recently stated that allowing cameras would lessen the high court’s aura and destroy the justices’ anonymity, although I doubt that the American people would become star-struck by the justices themselves.

Indeed, the loss of aura and anonymity seems a fair price to pay given the educational benefits and increased confidence in our justice system that citizens would enjoy in being able to see and hear these proceedings with their own eyes and ears.



Chief Executive, Court TV

New York


The real thinking in Supreme Court cases happens after the oral arguments. Who cares about televising first impressions when the issue is careful consideration of all cases and legal scholarship? Those who care can read the details. Thirty-second spots on the evening news are hardly interesting.


San Marino
