
Seeking a path for U.S. withdrawal

Re “Iraq: Get out now,” Opinion, May 4

The wisdom of retired Lt. Gen. William E. Odom’s views on Iraq likely will be lost on President Bush, who is determined to commit troops there through the end of his term.

We must send a message this November and again in 2008 by electing those who recognize that U.S. interests are best served by withdrawing troops from Iraq.




Odom makes many excellent points in his argument for leaving Iraq now. However, he, like most others who have made proposals for dealing with Iraq, fails to even suggest that we include the Iraqis in this debate to find out how they want the occupation to end and when. If Odom would add that to his proposal, we would have a way out that is realistic, responsible and honorable.



Gualala, Calif.


If I were able to bet on history’s judgment of the current U.S. strategy in Iraq, I would put my money on Odom’s side of the story. However, the failures of logic Odom finds in the Bush administration’s arguments for our continued involvement in Iraq do nothing to ascertain the failures of the nation-building strategy.

The “popular arguments” Odom chose to analyze are arguments the administration meant for public consumption, not academic review. This administration is consistent in its employment of meaningless statements meant to bolster national pride or fear rather than to accurately define its policy initiatives.

If we, as concerned Americans, desire to have an intelligent conversation on the topic of Iraq, it is best to leave out any statements made by the current administration.



Santa Clarita
