
Boot’s answer to high fuel prices

Re “Fillings tanks, funding dictators,” Opinion, May 3

I agree with Max Boot’s observation that OPEC countries conspire to control the oil market, but his suggestions for controlling oil demand would do nothing to really affect consumption or prices. One thing that can make an almost immediate effect on fuel demand is converting to ultra-low-sulfur diesel. The Audi A2 clean-burn diesel gets about 80 miles a gallon on the highway. It would be nice to be able to buy one in the United States.

Boot seems to have his dictatorships and democracies mixed up. Russia, Venezuela and Iran, our enemies that, he says, are controlled by dictators, elect their leaders. Our best friends in and around the Middle East -- the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Pakistan -- are dictatorships. Can anyone explain why dictators are friendly and democratic governments are not?


Lake Forest, Calif.


At last! Thanks for this particular Boot column. I’m glad that somebody knows that it’s not about high gasoline prices; it’s about funding enemies of the republic.


Because the super-rich oil companies can do more about it than anyone else, one has to question where their real loyalties are.


Beverly Hills


Boot wants us to increase federal funding for research on gasoline substitutes, eliminate import tariffs on Brazilian ethanol and increase the federal gas tax. What kind of 1970s tree-hugging, addlebrained thinking is this? Next thing you know, he’ll start worrying about global warming.


Newport Beach
