
Mexican politicians are alienating voters

Re “Mexico, up for grabs,” Opinion, May 9

Jorge Castaneda reaches the indefensible conclusion that Mexican President Vicente Fox and candidate Felipe Calderon are “making Mexico’s still-in-diapers democracy work.” Although it may be correct to characterize the country’s politics as infantile, to suggest that Fox and Calderon are democracy’s nursemaids is a flimsy claim.

Fox’s petulant outbursts and arrant self-promotion have done nothing to raise the level of debate. Far from energizing the electorate, the men Castaneda lauds have helped foster a disputatious campaign tone that has alienated much of Mexican society. So many voters are disenchanted with the political system that they will not vote for Calderon or candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, nor will they choose other candidates. Instead, they will abstain; this is not the sort of democracy Castaneda should be applauding.


Research Fellow, Council on

Hemispheric Affairs

