
Palestinian article isn’t the whole story

Re “Palestinian Pain, One Kid at a Time,” Opinion, May 6

Though no one can deny the reality of Palestinian suffering, and we all feel for Fareed Taamallah’s daughter, there is a disturbing element to his account of her plight. It is apparently beyond Taamallah’s imagination to believe that the Palestinians might bear some responsibility for their own suffering. In his account, Palestinians are pure victims, abused by Israel, the U.S. and the West, in that order. The Palestinians are free to elect Hamas; they are not free to evade the consequences of their actions. People who cannot accept responsibility for themselves are not ready to negotiate peace.


Los Angeles


Because I am a physician, I found great satisfaction in reading that the Hadassah Medical Center provided world-class medical services to this Palestinian child. I’m sure the parents observed that many Palestinian children and adults were receiving medical care. These humanitarian services are largely unpublicized, obscured in the hatred pouring from the Palestinian side.

The roadblocks and stringent entry requirements are harassments that are endured daily by the Palestinians. Perhaps they are in place so that Israelis might enjoy a Passover Seder, ride in a bus or eat in a fast-food restaurant without fear of being blown up. The restrictions on travel have increased since the election of a Hamas government, probably because Hamas won’t renounce its intention to destroy Israel.





When parents cannot find medical care promptly for their children, it is a tragedy. The U.S., both directly and through the U.N., has paid billions of dollars over the years to the Palestinian government for schools, hospitals and housing, but that money was not spent for such things. Instead, it went into the corrupt pockets of Fatah. So now, as they have throughout their history, the Palestinians go without.

Taamallah complains of the Israelis’ unwillingness to allow Palestinians through their territory. But only a few months ago, a young woman claiming medical need blew herself up with the soldiers who let her in. If the Palestinians cheer every time Israelis are blown up, if their Arab neighbors pay stipends to parents of suicide bombers, how can Israelis do anything but protect themselves by keeping Palestinians out?


Woodland Hills
