
Go ahead -- tell her your secrets

Maybe Madonna hasn’t given up entirely on her Catholic roots for Kabbalah. With her “Confessions” tour comes a call-in confessional. Dial (888)-2-CONFESS and you’ll hear a message from Madge asking for your deepest, darkest secrets (with a de rigeur legal disclaimer). The messages are then Podcasted on her website.

Besides confessing love for the pop superstar, some callers have disclosed secrets that will certainly make Mom blush.

A female caller reveals that her boss’ wife is leaving him -- for her. Another penitent says he tried to get his entire office sick by not washing his hands when he had a cold.

The eavesdropping is addictive.

But after hearing all those dirty little secrets, you may find yourself in need of a little spiritual cleansing too. If that’s the case, just remember: Dialing the Material Mama’s digits to soothe your soul just doesn’t count.


-- Christine N. Ziemba
