
7 Members of Black Caucus Arrested at Darfur Protest

From the Associated Press

Seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus were arrested at Sudan’s Embassy on Tuesday while protesting violence in the nation’s Darfur region.

“We will not tolerate genocide,” said Rep. Melvin Watt (D-N.C.), the caucus chairman.

The seven were taken away in Secret Service cars after blocking an entrance. They were released after paying $50 fines.

Sudan’s government and the main Darfur rebel group signed an agreement May 5 to end a three-year civil war. But there have been several attacks since then, U.N. officials said.


Khidir Haroun Ahmed, Sudan’s ambassador to the United States, called for efforts to persuade the other two rebel groups to sign the peace agreement.

The protesters said they wanted an end to the violence, accountability for those responsible, U.N. peacekeepers and distribution of food.

The others arrested were Reps. Barbara Lee (D-Oakland), John Lewis (D-Ga.), Al Green (D-Texas), Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas), Gwen Moore (D-Wis.) and District of Columbia Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton, a Democrat.


They held the rally with the intention of getting arrested.
