
Trophies at the Rose Bowl

A concours d’elegance is the sort of car show you’d expect F. Scott Fitzgerald to host -- world-class cars displayed on carpet-like lawns. Each year, there seem to be more of these elegant affairs, from Miami to Pebble Beach. Such shows have ringed L.A. for years. Now one is coming to the heart of the area.

On Sunday, the Rose Bowl will host its inaugural Concours d’Elegance, featuring 300 vehicles -- American classics, European exotics and five classes of Ferraris. Organizers, hoping to make it an annual show, have mapped out four future dates at the stadium and adjacent golf course.

This year, there are “a lot of winners from Amelia Island and Pebble Beach, including a 1904 Pope Toledo and a ’36 Bugatti,” said Pat Spears, president of the Assistance League of Southern California, sponsor of the event.


Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; $30 (free to children younger than 12); (323) 469-1973, Ext. 239, or
