
Bonds and baseball

Re “How can a Botox nation boo Bonds?” Opinion, May 17

As a victim of depression and a baseball fan, I found Pico Iyer’s comparison of San Francisco Giant Barry Bonds’ alleged steroid use to Prozac use offensive and irresponsible. The reason fans hate Bonds is because he cheated, plain and simple. Is Iyer suggesting that victims of depression are cheating by taking medication?


Los Angeles


Major League Baseball is a professional sporting competition. The outcome of a successful season for an individual player and his team can be worth millions of dollars. In 2002, when Bonds was presumably using steroids, the Giants appeared in the World Series. Who is to say that the Giants might not have enjoyed the rewards of that season had Bonds been playing on a presumably level field? The last time I looked, unless one is a model or actor, there was no tangible reward for wrinkle removal.


Los Angeles
