
School exit exam and high standards

Re “No exit,” Opinion, May 17

Erin Aubry Kaplan’s column was laughable. What good is spending 12 years in school if you’re not required to learn anything? The exit exam makes a high school diploma valid. I doubt Kaplan would use a lawyer who never passed the bar exam or a doctor who didn’t graduate from medical school. How about those who can’t pass their driver’s tests? Give them a license anyway? Personal responsibility is one of the first things a child should learn. Blaming the school system, racism, poverty or big government won’t get you very far in life; working hard will.


North Hollywood


Re “Letting Students Off the Hook Doesn’t Help Them,” column, May 15

I’m surprised that Bob Sipchen isn’t offended by the injustice inherent in the exit exam. There are many students who worked hard, passed all their classes and then were threatened with denial of a diploma based on one test.

High standards are not synonymous with an exit exam. The state could administer an exam for each core subject starting in ninth grade. A student would know early on if he is capable of doing academic work, and high schools could give help at the appropriate time. It would put an end to social promotion, the real culprit in this situation. At this time, children are allowed to fail from their earliest school days.



Long Beach
