
Criticism of Clausen Puts Them on Edge

I can’t believe that The Times printed the May 14 column by Eric Sondheimer on Jimmy Clausen, which was a reckless hatchet job on a high school kid.

Sondheimer wrote, “Everyone thinks Clausen is arrogant, cocky and lacks humility” and based that widespread opinion on one single columnist from Macon, Ga.

Sondheimer then predicted that Clausen will “suffer the consequences” which were described as “ridicule” and “scrutiny” during what was predicted to be “a very unpleasant senior season.”


All this because Clausen announced that he will attend Notre Dame next year? Or, is it because Clausen chose Notre Dame over Sondheimer’s hometown USC?

No, the reasoning behind the column is that poor little Eric Sondheimer didn’t get the scoop; that poor little Eric Sondheimer wasn’t among the “select number of media outlets” who got invited to the announcement; and, that Clausen’s dad hasn’t returned poor little Eric Sondheimer’s phone call.


Newport Beach


Eric Sondheimer’s article on Jimmy Clausen’s announcement to attend Notre Dame read more like a personal attack on Jimmy and his father than news. It sounds as if Sondheimer is upset about Clausen’s father not returning his phone calls.


He goes on to write that, “Clausen jumped the gun in wanting the hype and adulation afforded a top college athlete, now he’s going to suffer the consequences.”

I agree the news conference may have been a bit overboard. However, if the Clausens really wanted all the “hype and adulation” that Sondheimer suggests, they would have drug out Jimmy’s announcement until February 2007 on national signing day.


