
Only a film, or a reflection on faith?

Re “Coda to the ‘Code,’ ” editorial, May 19

The Times’ assertion that “The Da Vinci Code” is “only a movie” is akin to saying that the reprehensible Nazi newspaper “Der Sturmer” that attacked Jews in 1930s’ Germany was “only a newspaper.” Christians are upset by this movie because our society condemns attacks against religious, ethnic and gender groups but allows hate speech against Christians. It’s a double standard that The Times fails to recognize.


San Gabriel


To all “The Da Vinci Code” protesters: It’s a movie! It’s fiction! Get over it! If your faith is so weak that you feel threatened by a movie, then perhaps you ought to stop protesting the movie and examine your own beliefs instead.




Re “Descended from Jesus? Do the math,” Opinion, May 19

Did Jesus get married and have a child? The evidence doesn’t support it. As “The Da Vinci Code” director Ron Howard honestly points out, this is a fictional story. But it is not enough to just point our finger at another’s beliefs. We should also be honest in asking which of our religious beliefs are supported by the evidence. An honest appraisal of one’s thinking and actions can make them more meaningful. It is good that people are questioning the beliefs of “The Da Vinci Code.” The more we take responsibility for our thinking instead of just believing what we are told to believe, the more meaningful our lives can be.



Rio Rancho, N.M.


Those who doubt Jesus was married have only to remember one thing: Jesus was sent to Earth to suffer for our sins.

Of course he was married.


Long Beach
