
Reasons behind schoolyard rules

Re “Tag -- you’re illegal!” editorial, Oct. 28

What an idiotic choice of subject matter for an editorial. Aren’t there enough recent examples of schoolyard violence that have been traced back to motivations of revenge for being humiliated or socially excluded? When children play games like that, there is more at stake than just winning. Children take out their frustrations on the weakest members of their group. It is a struggle for false power that is based on the denigration of others who cannot fight back. It is a win-lose game, and as long as there are losers who will pay with their self-esteem, these games will be a source of long-term damage to society in general.


Los Angeles


You are invited to do recess duty with me anytime. And, just for you, we’ll let 120 first- and second-graders play tag. It’ll be great! There will be screaming, crying and -- this is the best -- countless arguments about who tagged whom. That’s what always happens when I let students play tag. A fabulous time will be had by all! You bring the Excedrin.


Long Beach
