
Let’s learn about other cultures

Re “Are we the Mongols of the Information Age,” Current, Oct. 29

With reference to Max Boot’s article and the problems the country is experiencing in foreign relations, would it not be possible for the government to consider subsidizing studies in Arabic languages and cultures for people interested in a foreign service career? Such a program also could include studies in Oriental languages and cultures. The money would certainly be better spent than for more military hardware and would probably cost less in the long run.

Treating other nations with more understanding instead of looking down on them would do much to promote good relations and eliminate bellicose threats of invasion. It’s amazing how differently people respond when treated with respect and dignity.


Santa Ana


Why don’t we try something completely different? Instead of spending bazillions on the latest military toys, let’s spend it on attacking the global problems of hunger, disease, illiteracy, overpopulation and climate degradation? Al Qaeda would find recruiting to battle the Great Satan tough.



Hartford, Conn.
