
Just a minute, Mr. Angelides

Re “The holes in the fence plan,” Opinion, Oct. 31

The fact is that more than 40 million immigrants have entered the U.S. in the last 30 years. No other nation has ever taken in more immigrants in a shorter period of time. Rather than acknowledge the historic magnitude of Americans’ generosity toward recent immigrants, state Treasurer Phil Angelides chooses to insult Americans who would prefer moderate levels of immigration with accusations of “fear, hatred, ignorance and racism.”

Angelides fails to address the principle questions missing from the national immigration debate. How much longer should record-breaking levels of immigration continue? How does it serve the national interest? What criteria must be met for annual immigration levels to be reduced?


Yorba Linda


The only “hole” I found in Angelides’ article was his worn-out contention that U.S. citizens concerned about the massive influx of illegal aliens is somehow connected to racism, ignorance and hatred. A significant amount of concern comes from both naturalized and U.S.-born Latino citizens, who are more severely affected than other groups. Immigrants tend to gravitate to their neighborhoods first and flood the labor market, displacing citizens and bringing down wages. Are they racists? I think not. So, Mr. Angelides, if you are not concerned about lack of housing, crime, overstressed emergency services, overcrowded schools and unlicensed and uninsured drivers, what are you concerned about?


I agree that fencing our borders is not the best way to deal with illegal entry, but something must be done to control the tide of illegals. Meantime, please stop insulting voters by mislabeling concern as racism. I am a Democrat, but guess whom I’m voting for.


San Gabriel
