
Bush’s backing of Cheney, Rumsfeld

Re “Bush stands by Cheney, Rumsfeld,” Nov. 2

President Bush says Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld and Vice President Dick Cheney are both doing “fantastic jobs” and that they will stay on until the end of his administration.

How many troops in Iraq would salute Rumsfeld and Cheney for their effective leadership? Would family members of the 2,800 soldiers who have been killed in Iraq thank them? The president’s statement reaffirming his confidence in this team reflects the continuing denial of a failed, unnecessary and costly war. His attitude shows there is no glimmer of hope that this administration will ever admit error or correct its strategy. On Tuesday, Americans have an opportunity to elect a Democratic majority in Congress to restore some accountability to a presidency whose failed policies have prevailed unchecked.


Palos Verdes Estates


It is no longer expedient for the president to utter his familiar refrain, “stay the course.” But Cheney and Rumsfeld -- the chief architects of the Iraq debacle -- are proclaimed to be crucial participants in the final two years of the presidency. Is there anything wrong with this picture?





By stating that both Cheney and Rumsfeld are doing “fantastic jobs,” Bush now has put both feet in his mouth. This action may have a positive effect. It could reduce the hot air coming from the Oval Office, thereby reducing the threat of global warming.


Huntington Beach


Re “Blair survives attack on war,” Nov. 1

“We were wrong to go to war in Iraq, and we cannot wash our hands of the harm we have done in doing so.”

“We need an inquiry to tell us how he led us into this disaster, and to make sure that no vainglorious and ignorant prime minister can ever do this again.”


These words, uttered in the British Parliament, apply just as much, if not more, to President Bush. It’s too bad that no one in Congress has had the guts and integrity to stand up and say them. No leader deserves this condemnation more than Bush.


Canoga Park
