
Spine-strengthening yoga, using a stability ball

If you’re new to yoga, the stability ball can be an excellent tool to help you progress. Instead of avoiding positions that seem too difficult and extreme for your body, practice with a large ball to get you familiar with, and more comfortable in, various positions. The camel pose strengthens your spine extensors while it stretches your chest, front shoulders, abdominal and front hip muscles. If it’s too difficult for you to do in the beginning, try working with the ball to make it easier for you to get in and out of the pose safely. You will also reap the benefits of holding the pose for a longer amount of time.


1 Kneel on a mat with your knees hip-width apart. Place the ball behind you so it rests on your heels, tops of your feet flat on the floor. Your buttocks should be touching the ball. Place your hands on the ball for balance.

2 On an inhale, press your ankles down as you lift your chest and arch into a slight backbend. Exhale, press into the ball with your hands for support and gently tighten your buttocks to lengthen your lower back. Stretch the front of your spine and reach up through the crown of your head. Hold for a few seconds. To release, inhale and squeeze the ball with your arms to bring yourself back to the starting position. Rest and repeat two more times.


Karen Voight can be reached at [email protected].

--Karen Voight
