
Kudos to principal of Jordan High

Re “Success? That’s not an elective,” Column One, Nov. 2

My heart was racing as I read this article. Jordan High School Principal Stephen Strachan’s unapologetic and innovative approach to raising education standards is courageous and necessary. Strachan makes it clear that if inner-city children are to be successful, they need a quality education, a support system and higher standards.

These children simply need a sustained community of dedicated people to make a moral investment in their lives. The time has come for us to provide African American and Latino children with more career options through education, putting aside the hoop dreams and superstar ambitions that society has modeled for them. I tip my hat to Strachan and pray he will continue his work.


Los Angeles


Strachan deserves praise for thinking outside the box and implementing an all-male schedule for 30 Latino and black students. Although it is too early to accurately measure its success, it can serve as a model for other schools. After all, 85% of those students passed the high school exit exam in the 10th grade.


The frustrations that Strachan and Jordan High face are the result of having to act on their own without multiple support systems. Many of these students living in impoverished neighborhoods are not having their basic needs met. Therefore, there are barriers to learning and even attending school. If we want to improve Jordan High and others, we must begin to collaborate with other departments beyond just education.


Long Beach
