
Immigration fight in Costa Mesa

Re “On this hot issue, local race goes slightly global,” Nov. 2

Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor has supporters nationwide, and this should not be surprising. Polls illustrate that Americans are fed up with unfettered illegal immigration, and the fact is that Mansoor was at the vanguard of public officials who have attempted to take local action to help mitigate local effects.

What is surprising is that The Times considered political action committee funds as being local. The logic seems to be that if out-of-town donations are laundered through local PACs, that makes them local contributions. Looking at individual donations from within our city, it is clear that Mansoor and ally Wendy Leece lead by a fair margin in that category. The fact is, Americans want action taken to stop illegal immigration and desire relief from its negative effects on our local communities.


Costa Mesa

The writer is mayor pro tem of Costa Mesa.


As a senior citizen living on a small pension, I don’t have the funds to send to Mansoor, but I can send my heartfelt gratitude to him and his city. I was born in Redondo Beach in 1937 and have lived in California all my life. Illegal immigration affects my family through schools, hospitals, jobs, taxes, etc. Any elected official who does what is in the scope of his or her authority is a blessing to us all.



