
L.A. firefighter seeks ouster of union leader

Times Staff Writer

Contending that his union is making unreasonable demands in contract talks with the city, a member of the team negotiating a new contract for the United Firefighters of Los Angeles wants to oust the labor organization’s well-known president.

The negotiating team member, 29-year Fire Department veteran Steve Tufts, is challenging President Pat McOsker in union elections that began late last week and conclude Nov. 17.

The timing of the challenge is unusual. The election comes as the union, which has been working without a contract since summer, is close to reaching agreement on a new deal.


Last week, McOsker removed Tufts from the negotiating committee and removed Jim Featherstone, a Tufts ally, as co-lead negotiator for the union.

McOsker, like leaders of some other city unions, has called for a contract that approaches the generous terms -- with increases matching the cost of living -- negotiated last year by the union representing Department of Water and Power employees.

Tufts argues that such a contract is unreasonable and that the union should accept a contract similar to the three-year pact received earlier this year by city police.


Tufts said in an interview Monday that if he won the election he would sign a new contract within 60 days. “I just have different ideas,” Tufts said. “We’re in a different time in society where not everyone should be fighting.”

McOsker, a frequent presence at state and city political events, said Tufts’ candidacy could undercut the union’s bargaining position.

“We’re close to a good deal,” he said. “This is really unfortunate and irresponsible.”

Bill Fujioka, the city’s administrative officer, declined to comment on the contract negotiations.



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