
San Bernardino County

Key to election tables

An asterisk (*) denotes an incumbent candidate; a double asterisk (**) denotes an appointed incumbent.

Results are not official and could be affected by absentee ballots.

District locations are identified by county. In Los Angeles, Orange and Ventura counties, they are identified by community.

Uncontested local offices and write-in candidates are not included in the tables.

County-by-county results are available at


*--* San Bernardino County Assessor


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Bill Postmus 125,866 53 Donald E. Williamson* 113,769 47




Board of Education



Trustee Area A


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Mark A. Sumpter 29,709 56 Michael R. Gomez 23,195 44



Trustee Area D


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Gil Navarro 14,657 44 John P. Miller* 12,712 38 Alexis Ashley 6,172 18





*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



O -- Charter amendment to prohibit eminent domain Yes 175,961 68 No 83,995 32



P -- Charter amendment term limits for supervisors Yes 145,048 56 No 112,338 44



Superior Court Office No. 4


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Steve Malone 135,884 66 Larry F. Roberts 71,393 34



Adelanto Mayor


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Jim Nehmens* 1,521 100



City Council



(2 elected)



Trinidad Perez* 1,058 37 Scott A. McCauley* 1,056 37 Charles S. Valvo 751 26



Apple Valley Town Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Scott Nassif* 6,670 20 Bob Sagona* 4,658 14 Peter W. Allan 3,520 10 Daniel Seagondollar 3,082 9 Jiles Smith 2,830 8 Bernadette McNulty 2,351 7 Elliotte B. Fajardo 2,001 6 Darryl Evey 1,762 5 Lawrence Warren 1,737 5 Lester G. Milroy III 1,631 5 Samuel T. Palazzola 1,127 3 Ted Bohanon 1,076 3 Herb H. Calderon 1,050 3 Timothy S. Stewart Sr. 661 2



Apple Valley Unified School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Lisa Lawrence 5,672 17 Wilson F. So* 4,770 14 Richard L. Sauers 4,705 14 Ned R. Curtis 4,463 13 Anita M. Anderson* 4,294 13 Rita Jackson 3,910 12 Regina Bell 3,680 11 Gil Kibby 2,401 7




Barstow City Council (2 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Julie Hackbarth-McIntyre 1,716 29 Timothy Silva 1,161 19 Helen Runyon* 803 13 Lawrence D. Halstead 599 10 Carmen Hernandez 508 9 Marvin Ellis 426 7 Manuel G. Gurule 369 6 Nathaniel Pickett 187 3 Patrick Aleman 185 3





*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



W -- City revenue limitation Yes 1,362 46 No 1,627 54



Big Bear Lake City Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Rick Herrick 796 18 Michael Karp 783 18 Darrell Mulvihill* 728 17 Tim Brigham 690 16 Dixie Allison 552 13 Brad Summers 497 11 Bill Giamarino 323 7



Central School District Measure


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



L -- Elementary school safety/repair Requires two-thirds vote Yes 3,974 65 No 2,149 35



Chino Hills City Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Ed Graham* 8,823 29 Bill Kruger* 7,538 25 Peter Rogers 6,161 20 Rossana Mitchell 4,545 15 Frank Fu 3,239 11




Chino Valley Unified School District Board of Education (2 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Bill Klein* 9,000 23 Sylvia Orozco 8,291 21 John H. Pruitt Jr.* 8,179 21 David A. Black 5,972 15 Shirley Moore 3,435 9 Silverio Aguilar Jr. 3,105 8 Rosie Ambriz 1,859 5



Colton Mayor


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Kelly J. Chastain 2,751 50 Deirdre Bennett* 2,705 50



City Council



District 1


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % David J. Toro 450 59 Ramon Hernandez* 308 41



District 2


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Richard A. DeLaRosa* 691 65 Jake R. Magnant 375 35



District 4


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Susan M. Oliva 327 38 Fabian A. Carballo 313 37 Mark L. Garcia 216 25



Fontana Mayor


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Mark Nuaimi* 11,739 77 Lisa J. Brown 3,559 23



City Council



(2 elected)



Frank Scialdone* 8,903 34 John B. Roberts* 7,411 28 Ralph Dominguez 4,093 16 Joseph Diaz 3,663 14 Keith McCarter 2,089 8






Tonia Lewis 13,007 100






Janet Koehler-Brooks* 13,149 100



Fontana Unified School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Julie Ramos 4,526 14 Gus Hawthorn* 4,065 12 Laura A. Mancha* 4,025 12 Carlos D. Bravo 3,881 12 Jesus J. Sandoval 3,823 12 Michael Tahan 3,197 10 Wayne Ruble* 3,147 9 Emory B. James 2,989 9 Bill Tunney 2,092 6 Gary Kovach Sr. 1,445 4



Grand Terrace Mayor


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Maryetta Ferre 1,490 64 Doug Wilson 851 36



City Council



Bea Cortes* 1,408 61 Lloyd H. Dodd III 896 39



Helendale Community Services District Measure


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



K -- Approve formation of district Yes 700 0 No 683 0



Helendale Elementary School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Barbara V. Schneider 698 23 Colleen Woolard 626 21 John G. Sonneborn* 615 20 James Hoover 611 20 Stephen M. Leonardi 496 16



Hesperia City Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Rita K. Vogler* 4,551 16 Thurston Smith 4,454 15 Ed Pack* 3,615 13 Jim Lindley* 3,586 12 Paul Bosacki 3,447 12 Richard Hall 3,033 11 Elena Campos 2,697 9 Cynthia Darden 1,708 6 Glenn Aylor 1,645 6






*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



M -- Transient occupancy tax Yes 5,962 54 No 5,175 46



Hesperia Unified School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Robert F. Kirk 6,582 22 A. Hardy Black 5,689 19 Ella M. Rogers 4,867 17 Eric Swanson* 4,314 15 Ellen K. Richardson 4,254 15 Nellie Gogley 3,588 12



Highland City Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Larry McCallon* 4,728 30 Jody Scott* 4,212 26 Ross Jones* 3,973 25 Christopher Lang 3,060 19



Loma Linda Measures


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



U -- South hills protection Yes 1,571 48 No 1,735 0



V -- Residential and hillside development control Yes 1,746 53 No 1,575 0



Lucerne Valley Unified School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Teresa A. Reyes* 678 25 Bryn Risler* 598 22 Jean Morgan* 535 20 Gary E. Herdman 447 17 John M. Shank 416 16



Montclair Mayor


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Paul M. Eaton* 2,447 65 Mike Mariana 1,305 35



City Council



(2 elected)



Leonard Paulitz* 2,833 56 Bill Ruh* 2,198 44



Ontario Mayor Partial term


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Paul S. Leon* 11,745 71 Paul A. Treadway 4,766 29



City Council



(2 elected)



Alan Wapner* 5,694 19 Jim W. Bowman 5,681 19 Gabe Chavez 5,123 17 Samuel Crowe 4,259 14 Josie S. Estrada 3,851 13 Paul V. Avila 3,034 10 Tony Ballardo 1,775 6



Rancho Cucamonga Mayor


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Don Kurth 13,053 49 William J. Alexander* 12,271 46 John Kera 1,208 5



City Council



(2 elected)



Rex Gutierrez* 14,122 29 Diane Williams* 12,037 25 Dieter C. Dammeier 7,583 16 Joseph J. McCaffrey 3,499 7 Jim Moffatt 3,037 6 Nicole Myerchin 2,685 6 Luella G. Hairston 2,622 5 John R. Lyons 2,552 5




Redlands Unified School District Board of Education (2 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Patty S. Holohan 13,143 36 Donna West* 12,873 36 Amos Isaac 6,140 17 Lupe R. Sanchez Jr. 4,069 11



Rialto City Council (2 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Deborah Robertson* 4,719 28 Joe Baca Jr. 4,504 26 Joseph H. Sampson* 3,802 22 John Sanchez 1,990 12 Mark Ferretiz 1,194 7 Clifford Friedeck 920 5



Rialto Unified School District Board of Education (2 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Joanne T. Gilbert 7,457 40 John R. Kazalunas 4,410 24 Corey Jackson 3,685 20 Alfonso Garcia Jr. 3,160 17



Rim Of The World Unified School District Trustee Area 1


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Peter Markovich 3,477 55 Chuck Nelson* 2,884 45



Trustee Area 2


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % David K. Erlanger 2,512 40 Jane St. John* 2,435 39 Elizabeth J. Gomez 1,316 21



San Bernardino City Council Ward 3


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Tobin Brinker 1,034 51 Gwen Terry 670 33 Randy Lally 309 15





*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



YY -- Use of Measure Z proceeds Yes 14,775 75 No 5,023 25



Z -- Impose quarter-cent transaction tax Yes 13,507 67 No 6,687 33



San Bernardino Unified School District Board of Education (4 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Lynda K. Savage* 11,059 15 Louise A. Ayala 10,941 15 Teresa Parra* 10,889 15 Elsa O. Valdez* 9,699 13 Antonio F. Dupre Sr.* 9,405 13 Amanda Jacobs 9,251 12 Joseph Turner 8,179 11 Rhonda M. Early 5,659 8




Sierra Sands Unified School District Trustee Area 2 (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Bill Farris* 7 32 Amy Covert* 6 27 Kurt D. Rockwell 5 23 Tom Pearl* 4 18



Silver Valley Unified School District Trustee Area 1 (2 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Frank Stewart 452 39 Lynn A. McKee 450 39 Tara O. Enderle-Zuelke 247 21



Trustee Area 2


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Linda M. Lingren* 491 63 Rhonda C. Royalty 292 37



Snowline Joint Unified School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Karie Lafever* 2,659 19 Debbie A. McEwen* 2,619 18 Michael G. Patterson* 2,223 16 Edward D. Conrad 2,041 14 Christina Behringer 1,758 12 Alex Brandon 1,523 11 William L. Tuck Jr. 1,485 10



Twentynine Palms City Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Kevin Cole* 980 18 Steve Spear* 838 15 Jim Harris 761 14 Steve Flock 756 14 Dawn Benton Jr.* 723 13 Sherrie Gibson 662 12 Mark W. Clemons 472 9 Christopher J. Curtin 223 4



Upland City Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Ray Musser* 8,241 24 Brendan Brandt* 7,668 22 Tom R. Thomas* 7,551 22 Garry D. Garcia 4,043 12 Marjorie M. Mikels 3,912 11 John D. Patino Jr. 1,869 5 Arman Khodaei 1,223 4



Victor Elementary School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Gary Elder 4,984 23 Karen S. Morgan* 4,795 22 Timothy G. Hauk 4,681 22 Ernie Moran* 3,660 17 Monte G. Worle* 3,487 16




Victor Valley Union High School District Board of Education (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Felix G. Diaz 6,562 19 Ken Larson 5,622 16 Pam Tan 4,771 14 Sharon L. Boyer 4,514 13 John A. Cordero* 4,428 13 Barbara J. Dew* 4,346 13 Annette Dutter 4,079 12



Victor Valley Community College District Measure


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes %



X -- College job training/repair Requires 55% vote Yes 25,972 52 No 23,522 48



Yucaipa City Council (2 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Allan Drusys 4,615 34 Tom Masner* 4,602 34 Ken Smith 4,361 32



Yucca Valley Town Council (3 elected)


*--* 100% precincts reporting Votes % Chad Mayes* 1,955 20 Bill Neeb* 1,551 16 Lori Herbel 1,400 14 Bill Souder 1,209 12 Ann M. Mistal 1,160 12 David T. Munro 979 10 Robert J. Buhrle 822 8 Reggie G. McAtee 421 4 Charles McHenry 356 4

