
Look who’s here in Long Beach

I read with interest your substantial feature on the growing cultural community of Long Beach [“L.B., as in Lively Bash,” Oct. 19] and was astonished that the single most significant cultural institution, the Museum of Latin American Art, which anchors the northeast corner of the East Village Arts District, was not even mentioned.

MoLAA has been a jewel in the crown of Long Beach and a major destination for art lovers, collectors and the Latin American community. MoLAA is the only museum in the U.S. devoted exclusively to contemporary Latin American fine art, showing the likes of Tamayo, Botero and the most important living Latin American artists.

The last line of the article discusses the potential of art bringing cultural tourism to the area. MoLAA is an institution that has been doing just that for the past 10 years.



Long Beach

Phil Appleby is an executive

board member at MoLAA.
