
Jolie disputes claims about set scuffle

From the Associated Press

Indian police arrested three British bodyguards working for Angelina Jolie after they allegedly roughed up parents and students at a Mumbai school where the actress had been filming scenes for “A Mighty Heart,” about slain journalist Daniel Pearl.

The fracas took place Thursday afternoon when the gates of the Anjuman-e-Islam school, which had been locked during filming, were opened to let parents pick up their children.

Police identified the bodyguards, who were arrested Friday, as Thomas McAdam, 47; Robert Dunn, 35; and Michael Brett, 50. They were later freed on bail. If convicted, they could be jailed for up to three years.


Jolie, in a statement, dismissed as a “horrible rumor” the claim by witnesses and the police prosecutor that her bodyguards had called people “bloody Indians.” She blamed the large number of photographers and cameramen for the scuffle at the school.

“It is not surprising that the press involved failed to mention their share of responsibility in the chaos,” she said.
